Grace Church of DuPage

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Article XVIII: Music Policy

Grace Church believes that music in the Church service, as taught in Scripture, is one of the highest forms of worship and as such, should be used primarily to honor God as an expression of a believer’s and of the Church’s thanksgiving and testimony to Him. Because of the confusion generated in music by the spirit of this age, the following guidelines will be applied to the music ministry of the Church:

(a)    To be an acceptable offering to God, music must be a song of a redeemed heart.

(b)   Normally, those asked to participate in presenting such offerings to God will have previously demonstrated their servant’s heart within the body of Christ as evidenced in their Church life.

(c)    The message (lyrics) of the music must be consistent with Biblical truths.

(d)   The musicians will work with our approved musical staff.

(e)    The style of the musician must be worshipful rather than simply sensual; in other words, the music and its performance must call worshipful attention to God, not to the performer.

(f)    A high level of proficiency and quality will be aimed for at all times consistent with the above-mentioned parameters.

For a more detailed statement see the positional paper, Philosophy of Worship and Music Ministry.