Grace Church of DuPage

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Always have plenty of erasers.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

 I subscribe to several Children’s Ministry blogs in an effort to glean ideas from others.  The other day, I read an illustration that stuck with me.  “How many of the pencils in your Kids ministry have erasers that have been broken off or are no longer usable?  Kids should always have eraser tops.  They should always know that mistakes will be made, but there is always an opportunity to erase them, just as God forgives us of our sins if we confess and ask for forgiveness.  His love won’t run out!”

Something to ponder, and yes, I have a whole bag of eraser tops, all ready to go.  : )


Lessons This Week:

 2/3s-  Over the Wall, The Story of Paul’s Escape in a Basket

            Scripture- Acts 9:20-25

            Lesson Truth-  Jesus took care of Paul when he was in trouble

            Can you tell me?

1.      Was Paul a friend of Jesus?

2.     What did Paul’s enemies want to do?

3.     Why couldn’t Paul get out of the city?

4.     How did Paul get away?

5.     Who took care of Paul wherever he was?

6.     Who takes care of you wherever you are?


4s-1st Grade- God Preserves Israel

            Scripture- Exodus 15:22-17:7

            Lesson Goal-  Students will confess their need for God’s mercy and thank Him for all He


            Lesson Objectives- Students will be able to

1.     List the three ways God tested Israel.

2.     Describe Israel’s grumbling and complaining responses to Moses and God.

3.     Explain how God miraculously provided food and water in the wilderness.

4.     Explain what God was teaching Israel when he tested them.  


Catechism Question #33



2nd-5th Grade-  God Preserves Israel

            Scripture- Exodus 15:22-17:7

            Lesson Goal-  Students will confess their need for God’s mercy and thank Him for all He


            Lesson Objectives- Students will be able to

5.     List the three ways God tested Israel.

6.     Describe Israel’s grumbling and complaining responses to Moses and God.

7.     Explain how God miraculously provided food and water in the wilderness.

8.     Explain what God was teaching Israel when he tested them.  


Catechism Question #33