Grace Church of DuPage

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The Question

Parent’s Corner- April 7, 2019


Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

John 11:25-26 ESV


That is the question, isn’t it? That might be the most important question we can consider ourselves or present to our children.  “Do you believe this?”  In the weeks leading up to Easter, as we consider, ourselves, the great sacrifice made by Jesus, and the great given to us by God through Jesus’ death, our children are considering it too.  In these brief glimpses of what was taught in Sunday school, may you be encouraged to continue the conversation with your children, and read the passages again and again.  Have the conversation, ask the question, and continue to pray.  The Lord loves our kids, and as I pray for my kids, I would pray that yours would learn to love the lord even more each day! 


May you find joy in your parenting this week!


This week in Sunday School. . .


2/3s- Sad day, Happy Day. . . The Story of Peter and Dorcas

Scripture- Acts 9:36-43


4s-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-5th Grade- The Son of Man is Crucified

Scripture- Luke 22:47-53; 23:26-47

Principle- Jesus died as a substitute for sinners

Ask Your Child- Why was it necessary for Jesus to die?

Apply- By trusting that Jesus is the only way to heaven.

This Week- As a family, read Luke 22:47-53; 23: 26-47

Next Week- Luke 23:50-24:53


Children’s Church- Peter and John Preach the Gospel

Scripture- Acts 3:1-26

Lesson Goal- The child will trust in Jesus’ name for salvation.

Bible Truths-

1.     Peter and John preached about Jesus.

2.     Peter and Jon healed a man’s legs.

3.     Peter and John were told not to talk about Jesus.

Key Verse- “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”  Acts 4:12