Grace Church of DuPage

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God is Faithful

Parent’s Corner- May 19, 2019


“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.”  Hebrews 10:23 ESV


God is Faithful.  What a comforting and reassuring thought!  This was our focus the other day as I met with my prayer group.  This group of moms has been praying together since our kids (who are now sophomores) were in kindergarten.  We have prayed through many life stages and changes:  from sending a child to Kindergarten to sending a child to college, from praying for a playground bully to praying for safety on the football field, from praying for the mile run in elementary school to adolescents taking the ACT in high school.  That’s a lot of change!  We reflected the other day that, even though all of the change in our lives and the lives of our kids, God has been, and will continue to be faithful. No wonder He is referred to as the Rock.  He is faithful.  He is solid.  He is unwavering.  We can trust in Him when our lives are full of change, because He never does!


May you find joy in your parenting this week!  Enjoy the ride!


This week in Sunday School. . .


2/3s- The Jailer Who Believed

Scripture- Acts 16:16-40

Lesson Truth- Everyone needs Jesus

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson:

1.     Tell what Paul and Silas did at midnight in the prison

2.     Tell who took care of Paul and Silas

3.     Answer the question- Who needs Jesus?

4.     Tell what happened to the jailer and his family


4s-K- God Punishes Jeroboam

Scripture- 1 Kings 21:1-33; 14:1-18

Principle- Christians enjoy the blessings of obedience to God’s Word.

Ask Your Child- What were the consequences of Jeroboam’s disobedience?

Apply- By realizing that God punishes those who disobey His word.

This Week- As a family, read 1 Kings 21:1-33; 14:1-18



Children’s Church- Philip Shares the Gospel with the Ethiopian

Scripture- Acts 8:26-40

Lesson Goal- The child will rejoice that the sovereign God has allowed them to hear His Word.

Bible Truths-

1.     The Lord is in control of all that happens.

2.     Philip told the Ethiopian eunuch the gospel.

3.     The Ethiopian eunuch went away rejoicing because he was saved.

4.     Key Verse- “Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him.”  Acts 8:35