Grace Church of DuPage

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Camp Starts Tomorrow!

We finished up a great three days of orientation today. Karis did a great job planning our sessions. They were fun, informative, and great for helping us to prepare for the week ahead. 

Today was my personal favorite thus far. We discussed the gospel in the morning and practiced sharing it without using any of the typical "Christianeze" words we're used to using.

Next we discussed how to effectively lead a small group discussion. Then after lunch we walked to the Castle in our village (Ptuy) which was amazing but even that experience didn't compare with what came next. 

After touring the castle we found a cafe, ordered iced coffees, white coffee (Lattes), and elderberry lemonades. Then the Slovenians with us took time to explain the difference between our culture and theirs and how we could keep from offending the youth at our camp. It was a fascinating discussion and one that really gave us an interesting perspective on how we come across to others.

Tomorrow we head to camp. We'll meet the 21 students at 9:30 and then share a 3.5 hour bus ride together before arriving at the Austrian castle.

Pray for us as we begin the camp!  We're praising God for all he is doing. The GCD team is doing great and multiple JV leaders have told me how impressed they are with them.

In Christ