Posts in Women's Ministry
Christmas Preview Dinner Devotional 2014

Or maybe you are like me, seemingly righteous and virtuous on the outside and yet dead on the inside, full of pride and self-righteousness because of your attempts at virtue. Christ’s righteousness and sacrifice is enough for you. It covers everything and gives you a new start. You can become a new creation, a new woman THROUGH HIM. And you don’t have to wait until you get yourself all together or until you get older, or until you reach some point of moral standard that qualifies you for God’s grace. God’s saving grace meets you where you are, which is where you sit tonight, and He offers you new life. Jesus says in the book of John, “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

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Waiting On God

As difficult as it can be, waiting builds spiritual muscles in a unique manner. My sinful impatience notwithstanding, Isaiah makes this truth clear: “But they who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount with wings as eagles, they shall run and grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.” What a glorious promise! And yet our discontented hearts find it difficult to wait.

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Leaving Self Behind (Elisabeth Elliot)

In this interview, we hear from Elisabeth Elliot as she talks about obeying the Lord in one specific area, forgiveness.

Elisabeth Elliot is a woman who knows what it means to be a forgiver. In 1956, after she had been married for just twenty-seven months, her husband, Jim Elliot, was martyred by the Auca Indians along with four other missionaries. Months later, Elisabeth returned to that tribe with her baby daughter and continued to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those very people who had been responsible for the death of her husband.

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