This is the Day

Image- Vetrestudio, Canva Pro

Parent’s Corner- April 10, 2022

“This is the day that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  Psalm 118:24

Today was a wonderful day!  The sun was shining, the weather was warmer than it has been, children waved palm branches and sang in the service, and we received some encouraging news from one of our missionaries.  God made this day, and we were glad in it!

Some days are not as wonderful.  Some days it rains (or even snows!), it is too hot or too cold, children are sick and need to stay home, and we receive sad news about illness, death, and even war.  God makes these days too.  

This week we celebrate Holy Week, recounting the journey of Jesus into Jerusalem, to the cross, to the grave, and ultimately to His resurrected state.  Some of these days include celebration.  Some of them include much pain and suffering.  God made all of these days.  

All of these days work together as part of God’s perfect plan.  

The beauty of every day is that God loves us during and throughout each one!  What a beautiful time to remember that there will be good days and bad days, but God is the Lord of them all!  Take some time this week to walk through the steps that Jesus took, remembering His suffering, but also remembering that it was done out of love for us, and especially remembering that Sunday is coming!  

This week in Sunday School. . . 

2/3s- Hosanna!  The Story of Palm Sunday

Scripture- Luke 19:29-38

Lesson Truth- We praise Jesus!

Aims for the Children- to do at least one of the following during this lesson:

  1. Tell who the people wanted for their king.

  2. Show and tell what the people did on Palm Sunday.

  3. Sing songs of praise to Jesus

4s-K, 1st-2nd, 3rd-5th- and Children’s Church

Jesus Rises From the Dead- Matthew 28:1-20

Principle: Jesus has power over sin and death.

Ask Your Child: What did Jesus tell His disciples?

Apply: By obeying Jesus as Savior and Lord

This Week: As a family, read Matthew 28:1-20

Next Week: No Sunday School classes will meet on Easter Sunday

Please note- We will not haveSunday school classes or Children’s Church on Easter Sunday too allow teachers and children to enjoy holiday festivities with their families and extended church family.  We will resume classes on April 24th.